Abstract Submission


Submission Period

Submission deadline*    1 August 2025 at 00:00 hr.
*Abstracts submitted after the system closure will not be accepted.

Notification for abstract acceptance    15 August 2025

Format of Presentation

Please indicate your preference for the format of the presentation (Oral or Poster)

IMPORTANT: Please note your request might not be met in some case.


Main topic of abstract (please select only one)

  1. Epidemiology and Outcomes of AKI
  2. Research in AKI (Basic, translational, clinical including clinical trials)
  3. RRT Technique Characteristics
  4. RRT Applications and Targeted Interventions
  5. Blood Purification and Organ Support
  6. Nursing Issues (education, training, care delivery, quality improvement)
  7. Pharmacy Issues (drug dosing, drug-associated nephrotoxicity, etc.)


Submission Guideline

Please read this thoroughly before preparing your abstract.

  1. All abstracts must be submitted to the congress website only.
  2. All abstracts must be composed in English. Please aim for clarity and simplicity, avoiding any language errors. If English is not your primary language, we suggest having a native speaker review your abstract prior to submission.
  3. After the title, list the author's names and institutional affiliations; OMIT degrees, titles.
  4. Author list is limited to 10.
  5. Author is requested to indicate only one affiliation for an author.
  6. The body of the abstract is limited to 2500 characters (includes spaces).
  7. Body of abstract included background and objective, method, results and conclusion
  8. References and credits MUST NOT be included in the abstract.
  9. Simple tables may be made in the submission form – PLEASE DO NOT PASTE TABLES IN THE ABSTRACT BODY. Select a table OR a figure to submit with your abstract.
  10. Formulas should be avoided.
  11. Use standard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.
  12. Figure/Image uploads are restricted to .jpg, .png or .gif files only.
  13. It is the author's responsibility to submit an error-free abstract. Any mistakes in spelling, grammar, or scientific accuracy will appear exactly as submitted by the author.
  14. If you wish to make changes in your abstract after submitting the abstract, please log in to your account to revision. Please note that you can revision by 1 August 2025.


  • The applicant must present onsite
  • The applicant should be the presenter of the accepted abstract.


Notice of Acceptance

Notification will be sent to the presenter only via email by 15 August 2025

If you do not receive any notification by 15 August 2025, please contact apcrrt2025@gmail.com

The presenter is required to pay the registration fee payment to have the abstract published in the abstract book (or e-book). Should the author not follow either of these, AKI-CRRT reserves the right not to include the author’s work in the abstract book (or e-book).